Phoenix: Adopted Effective July 6th, 2018
Elizabeth Singleton, CEO of Tiny House Builders advocated for the adoption of Appendix Q in Phoenix and is working on the approval process for movable tiny homes in Phoenix, applying Appendix Q to movable tiny homes.
Cave Creek Adopted 2018 IRC- Adopted January 1st, 2019
Sedona Spoke With Steve Mertes on July 29th, 2019 – Appended Q is in the works and will be adopted in the next few months- I will be following up with Steve
Building Code Update
Tuscon Adopted 2018 IRC- Adopted Appendix Q
Camp Verde: On Oct. 24, 2018, the Camp Verde Town Council approved an agri-tourism use permit for a community of tiny houses on wheels, vintage recreational vehicles, and agri-tourism events. The 15-acre parcel that would house the complex is owned by Camp Verde residents Carmen Howard and her husband David.
Article SourceTinyPortableCedarCabins
Camp Verde: On Oct. 24, 2018, the Camp Verde Town Council approved an agri-tourism use permit for a community of tiny houses on wheels, vintage recreational vehicles and agri-tourism events. The 15-acre parcel that would house the complex is owned by Camp Verde residents Carmen Howard and her husband David.
Coconino County Adopted 4/4/2019
The Town Of Edgar Adopted 4/2/2019
Flagstaff Adopted 2018 IRC and Appendix Q With ConditionsEffective July 19, 2018
City Of Flagstaff
Pima County
Apache County: Apache County – 2015 Residential Building Code: Appendix Q Not Adopted
Apache County Building Safety Division
Yavapai County: Effective July 1st, 2019: For Unincorporated Areas Of Yavapai County
Yavapai County
Park Models
A Park Model is allowed as a Dwelling Unit per Section 565 of the Yavapai County Planning and Zoning Ordinance. A permit is required prior to installation of a Park Model Unit
Development Services Yavapai County
California: Mandatory Across All Local Government Jurisdictions:
Effective January 1st, 2020
California Building Code Update (6/17/2019) – Appendix Q Tiny Houses: In recent discussions and emails with key staff of CA Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), we have confirmed the following:
1) HCD has adopted the provisions of Appendix Q which will make its provisions MANDATORY across all local government jurisdictions.
2) We were able to confirm with HCD, that factory-built housing (FBH) next year can be built to CA Residential Code standards, inclusive of Appendix Q, (for units 400 sq. ft. or less).
3) Such FBH units built using Appendix Q standards would be permitted anywhere is California, subject of course to zoning codes.
4) The California building code update will go into effect on January 1, 2020.
For the past several months we have been quietly working with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to ensure that provisions of the 2018 International Residential Code, including our tiny house Appendix Q code provisions, were properly implemented into the California Residential Code. Our concern was that we wanted Appendix Q code items for tiny homes to be, not only adopted by the state but made MANDATORY in all of the 540 local government jurisdictions.
In past California code update cycles, the various Appendices were left as local option. Why is this important? One can only imagine the effort it would take to convince 540 cities and counties to adopt Appendix Q – a task which would take years to accomplish. Also, if Appendix Q provisions were not adopted across the board for all of California, it would be virtually impossible to factory-build tiny house units for wide distribution.
Special Shout Out To Martin Hammer
A special shout out to Martin Hammer for, not only his work with Andrew Morrison in writing Appendix Q but his efforts to stay on top of state bureaucrats to implement it properly in California.
Source: Dan Fitzpatrick, Director of Government Relations and Advocacy for ATHA
Archuleta County: August 28th, 2019 Spoke to planner John Shepherd
Colorado Appendix Q News: Archuleta County Public Meeting Of The Commissioners Adopting 2015 and Appendix Q: Public Welcome Sept 5th,
2019 at 8:30 Am at Archuleta County Administration Office
398 Lewis St, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Details Call Mary 907 264 8308 / They welcome written comments before the meeting; Send to
Boulder Approves Appendix Q At City Council Meeting Jan. 21st, 2020
Boulder is considering adopting Appendix Q. The first reading was Nov 19th, 2019: Second Reading Jan. 21st, 2019 Public Hearing
Ms. Thome,
Thank you for emailing City Council regarding Appendix Q Tiny Homes. This item is scheduled for first reading on tonight’s Consent Agenda and the second reading and public hearing is scheduled for Jan. 21st, 2019 The current ordinance for consideration includes the adoption of Appendix Q Tiny Homes which incorporates building standards for small homes, maximum 400 square feet. The staff has proposed two amendments to Appendix Q, explicitly requiring the homes to be installed on permanent foundations and be permanently connected to utilities.
Comments are always welcome during public hearings. You may email your comments directly to City Council.
City council of Boulder
Will Birchfield
Building Services Manager/Chief Building Official
Denver Adopts Appendix Q: Effective Dec. 26th, 2020 With A Transition Period For Builders Until April 26th, 2020
Denver: Public Forum: Code Discussion Including Appendix Q Nov. 5th, 2019
Denver Code Development Changes Including Appendix Q For Tiny Homes from Nov 5th courtesy briefing

Denver Gov
Article Source Denver Development Services
Article Source City Of Denver
La Playta County: Effective January 2018
La Playta County
Routt County
Routt County
Town Of Lyons
The Town of Lyons
Confirmed on Sept 24th, 2019 from Joseph V. Cassidy P.E. State Building Inspector- They are considering the adoption of Appendix Q as part of our 2020 State Building Code. They are in the technical development portion of our process now. There will be a public comment period for the completed draft code early next year.
Follow the process
Anyone interested in receiving informational and update emails may request to be included on our email list by sending a request to
Florida Adopts Appendix Q: Effective Date Dec. 31st, 2020
Florida: Status Appendix Q- Reserved: Spoke to the building dept August 28th, 2019 Modification # F7942
Florida In Progress To Adopt Appendix Q Tiny Homes: Deadline Jan. 2nd, 2020
Article Source Florida Dept of business
Georgia: Effective Jan 1st, 2020: 2018 IRC And Appendix Q
The 2012 IRC has been amended to change the minimum habitable room size from 120 sf to 70 sf and add a new Appendix for Tiny House Construction. However, the Appendix must be adopted locally to be enforced.
Appendix Q has already been adopted: Referred to as Appendix S until their code cycle change in 2020
Codes Update Spring 2019
Tiny House Information
Map Of Jurisdiction
Hawaii Meeting Tomorrow At 9 am: 2018 IBC And IRC Editions Including Appendix Q Tiny Homes: Dec 16th, 2019 STATE OF HAWAII
P.O. BOX 119, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96810-0119
State Building Code Council (SBCC) Meeting
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
9:00 a.m.
Department of Accounting and General Services
Comptroller’s Conference Room 410
Kalanimoku Building
1151 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
West Hawaii Civic Center
Building “E”, First Floor
74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Highway
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740
Telephone Call-In
240-454-0879 Access Code 939103
SBCC Agenda 12-17-19
Hawaii is using the 2018 IRC: They have not adopted Appendix Q at this time-we have sent them information so they can start the discussion. Spoke to Howard Wiig on Sept.17th, 2019
Howard Wiig 808 587 3811
Idaho: First State To Adopt Appendix Q: Added to 2012 IRC Code 3/20/17
Article Source Idaho.Gov
Indiana: Amended And Adopted Statewide, All Jurisdictions Effective Date Dec. 31st, 2019
Indiana Amended Appendix Q Tiny House
Indiana 2020 Residential Code
Illinois: Received Email After Inquiring On Sept 24th, 2019
Currently, the Office of the State Fire Marshal does not have any regulations regarding tiny homes unless they are used as daycare homes or some other state-licensed facility. In Illinois, you need to go to individual municipalities to see what their requirements might be. Illinois does have a statewide building code, but it is only a default building code used for those areas that do not have a building code. That would be the 2006 or later edition of the International Building Code/International Residential Code. So you will need to determine which municipalities are using their own adoption or are using the default IBC/IRC adoption. I am not sure if the IBC/IRC has adopted language regarding tiny houses (a colleague I am with today does not believe so).
Cathy Stashak, Section Chief
Technical Services Division
Yorkville, Illinois: Effective Jan 1st, 2020
Confirmed On Oct 1st, 2019 through email from Pete Ratos
Pete Ratos
United City Of Yorkville
Building Code Official
City Of Yorkville
Manhattan, Kansas Effective January 1st, 2020
Article Source City Of Manhattan
Riley County July 28h, 2019- Need to do further investigation
Riley County requires a permit but does not enforce building codes. The inspector does inspect how a home is being inspected.
Article Source Riley County Gov
Sedgwick County/City of Wichita, Kansas August 21st, 2018
18 Smaller Cities and 2 adjacent Counties
Article Source Wichita.Gov
Kentucky: State Mandated Amended Version And Defining Appendix Q Effective Jan 2019
Kentucky specific amendments are below:
2018 Kentucky Residential Code, Second Edition
HBC enforces statewide standards for building construction. The agency ensures fire and life safety in existing buildings; licenses/certifies plumbers, electricians, boiler contractors, sprinkler and/or fire alarm contractors, and building inspectors. The main DHBC phone number is 502-573-0365
Department of Housing, Buildings, and Construction
Louisiana: Adopted December 20th, 2018
Amended current Rule to add the 2018 International Residential Code ( IRC ) Appendix Q Tiny Homes to the Uniform Construction Code. The Rule allows for the inspection and permitting of said homes in any jurisdiction of the state.
Article Source Louisiana Gov News
Article Source Louisiana Gov News
Article Source Maine Public
Tiny Home City Council Workshop
Maryland Statewide: Adopted Statewide Left Up To Local Jurisdiction
Article Source Maryland Dept. Of Labor
Massachusetts: Effective January 2020
The newest complete edition of the MA Building Code will be released in 2021. However, effective 1/1/2020, Appendix Q, also known as the Tiny House Appendix, is anticipated to be adopted into the current Massachusetts state building code.
Article Source BBTinyHome News
House Bill 2031
Mass Gov
Michigan: Appendix Q Is A Selected Option In ”Select IRC Options Use With The Michigan Residential Code”
The Home Builders Association of Michigan (HBAM) and the International Code Council (ICC) have joined forces to publish a targeted book of changes in the 2018 IRC to allow Home Builders Association of Michigan members and others to benefit from their new ability without having to buy the entire code. The book is titled ” 2018 Select IRC Options For Use With The Michigan Residential Code.”
Michigan Is Staying With 2015 IRC Until 2021 Is Adopted
The Flex Code Law, Public Act 504 of 2012 allows Michigan to choose to update the Michigan Residential Code every three or six years. Michigan chose not to update to the 2018 edition of the IRC published by the ICC and will be staying with the 2015 MRC until the 2021 edition of IRC is available and adopted.
Article Source Tiny Home Industry Association
2020 Statewide Construction Codes Includes Appendix Q
Camdenton Adopted 2018 IRC And Appendix Q
Green City:
Spoke with Joel Binkley on July 31st, 2019. He said they will probably follow Springfield’s lead and Adopt Appendix Q.
Spoke to Ime Usukumah on July 31st, 2019. He confirmed that they are adopting Appendix Q by the end of the year.
Update on Nov. 29th, 2019. Montana has adopted Appendix Q. Effective date Dec.7th, 2019. Appendix Q has been adopted in its entirety. Jurisdictions have the choice to adopt locally.
(a) Appendix Q, Tiny Houses. Appendix Q may be adopted by a certified city, county, or town building code jurisdiction. Tiny houses do not meet the building code requirements for commercial or business occupancy and are therefore prohibited for these types of uses. The department will apply Appendix Q to factory-built buildings which meet the definition of a tiny house as having 400 square feet or less in floor area excluding lofts, and which are intended to be mounted on a permanent foundation and used as a single-family dwelling.
Note: I spoke to Tim Lloyd again on Nov. 29th and he clarified the terms regarding commercial. Long term rentals are allowed, they just do not want nightly rentals like an AirBnB.
State Of Montana: Department Of Labor And Industries
Spoke to Tim Lloyd: Last day of public comment is Sept.20th, 2019: Tim said they were planning to adopt and did not see much opposition
Send comments
(a) Appendix Q, Tiny Houses. Appendix Q may be adopted by a certified city, county, or town building code jurisdiction. Tiny houses do not meet the building code requirements for commercial or business occupancy and are therefore prohibited for these types of uses. The department will apply Appendix Q to factory-built buildings which meet the definition of a tiny house as having 400 square feet or less in floor area excluding lofts, and which are intended to be mounted on a permanent foundation and used as a single-family dwelling.
Building Code Documents
Nebraska: 2018 IRC-The State Does Not Normally Adopt Appendixes That Is Up To The Local Jurisdictions
State building code; adopted; amendments.
(1) There is hereby created the state building code. The Legislature hereby adopts by reference:
(a) The International Building Code (IBC), chapter 13 of the 2018 edition, and all but such chapter of the 2018 edition, published by the International Code Council, except that (i) section 305.2.3 applies to a facility having twelve or fewer children and (ii) section 310.4.1 applies to a care facility for twelve or fewer persons;
(b) The International Residential Code (IRC), chapter 11 of the 2018 edition, and all but such chapter of the 2018 edition except section R313, published by the International Code Council; and
(c) The International Existing Building Code, 2018 edition, published by the International Code Council.
(2) The codes adopted by reference in subsection (1) of this section and the minimum standards for radon-resistant new construction adopted under section 76-3504 shall constitute the state building code except as amended pursuant to the Building Construction Act or as otherwise authorized by state law.
Nebraska Legislature
Omaha, Nebraska Has Adopted Appendix Q Tiny House
Sec. 43-121. – Building codes adopted
Appendix Q, “Tiny Houses“, of the International Residential Code, 2018 edition
Municode Omaha, Nebraska
New Jersey: Effective Sept. 3rd, 2019
New Jersey
New Jersey Gov
New Hampshire: New Bill To Study Tiny Homes: Effective November 1st, 2019
New Hampshire Established A Bill To Study Tiny Houses: Effective November 1st, 2019: House Bill 312
Those issues include defining the very structures themselves: “The committee shall determine what constitutes a ‘tiny house,’ both on a permanent foundation and on wheels.”
Proponents of tiny homes say they can expand the state’s housing options by providing a relatively low-cost place to live that might help ease labor shortages and keep young adults in the state.
Article Source Legal Scan
New Mexico: Effective January 15th, 2018
New Mexico N.M. Code R. § New Mexico Tiny Houses
Article Source New Mexico Register
New Tiny Home Ordinance: Roswell
New York: Adopting 2018 IRC Including Appendix Q Estimated Effective Date March 2020
2020 Residential Code of New York State
Building Code Standards of New York State
Public Comments Until September 10th, 2019
If you have suggestions on how the proposed rule amending the Uniform Code could be improved, suggested alternatives the proposed rule amending the Uniform Code that the Department of State could consider, or any other comments on the proposed rule amending the Uniform Code, please contact Jeffrey Hinderliter by mail at New York State Department of State Division of Building Standards and Codes, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231-0001; by telephone at (518)-474-4073; or by email at
Spoke with Gerard Hathaway on August 6th, 2019. Gerard confirmed Appendix Q was approved on Sept.27th, 2019.
Gerard Hathaway, R.A.
Assistant Director of Code Development
New York State Department of State Division of Building Standards and Codes
One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue, Suite 1160, Albany, NY 12231
Phone: (518) 474-4073
Fax: (518) 486-4487
Uniform Code Rule Making June 2019 Page 7
Tiny Houses2020 RCNYS: Appendix Q (New)
Needs and Benefits: This code change provides regulatory guidance for the construction of Tiny Houses. The possibility of building one’s own home and the rising cost of homeownership, coupled with a desire for minimalist, simple living and to reduce the environmental impact of housing, have all fueled the Tiny House architectural and social movement.
However, the increase in popularity and in the number of amateur builders has led to safety concerns among design professionals and code enforcement officials. Further, while some have argued that a Tiny House could be built in compliance with the Residential code, in practice, to do so under 400 square feet and with a code-compliant loft has proven challenging, if not impossible. To address these significant obstacles, the 2018 International Residential Code (2018 IRC) added Appendix Q, which affords some lenience to dwelling units meeting the new definitions for “Tiny Houses” and to“Lofts,” without reducing the level of safety. New York State must adopt the provisions of Appendix Q of the 2018 IRC in order to provide regulatory compliance tools to designers and code enforcement officials in municipalities that choose to allow tiny houses in their zoning law.
The public will benefit from this code change through increased flexibility, lower housing costs, and the environmental benefits of a reduction in the manufacture, use, and delivery of construction materials.
There is a decrease in the cost of residential construction associated with this proposal. The average size of a new house in 2013 was 2,662 square feet. With an average per square foot cost of $131.03 in New York State, this translates to $348,801 per home. Conversely, the typical cost of tiny houses in 2012 was about $20,000 to $ 50,000.
Uniform Code Rule Making June 2019 Page 7
New: Tiny Houses
The 2020 Residential Code of New York State includes the adoption of Appendix Q titled “Tiny Houses,” which is applicable to single dwelling units and defines a “tiny house” as a “dwelling that is 400 square feet (37 m^2) or less in floor area excluding lofts.” Tiny Houses have both Land Use and Building Code requirements.
Permit Office – David Krug: (716) 851-4924 or can answer your questions regarding location on lot and other site issues. (Inspector Frank DiGennaro at (716) 851-5033 or and Tom Puglisi at (716) 851-4935 or can also assist you with your land use questions.)
The New York State Codes Division has issued Building Code guidelines for Tiny Houses: NYS Code Outreach – Tiny Houses
Peter Klemann can help in answering your Building Code questions. Email at is best or please call (716) 851-4911.
The City Of Buffalo
North Dakota: In The Process Of Adopting 2018 IRC: Have NOT Considered Appendix Q At This Time
On September 5th at 8:00 AM CST at The Great River Energy Building, 1611 East Century Ave., Bismarck, ND, a Voting Meeting of proposed building code amendments will be held for the participating jurisdictions and organizations.
The purpose of the meeting will be to vote on the proposed amendments from the public and Building Code Advisory Committee, 2018 International Building Code, 2018 International Residential Code, 2018 International Mechanical Code, 2018 International Fuel Gas Code, 2018 International Existing Building Code, and the prior amendments to those codes. These amendments will become part of the updated North Dakota State Building Code effective January 1st, 2020.
Spoke with Bruce Hagen with the North Dakota Department of Commerce on August 5th, 2019
I asked him if they are considering adopting Appendix Q for Tiny Homes. Bruce told me it had not been brought to the council yet. For information about the State Building Code or to submit a Code Amendment, please contact Bruce Hagen. It is too late in their code cycle process for the council to consider at the Sept 5th, 2019, but you can submit a recommendation using the code submittal form.
at (701) 390-4806.
Code Submittal Form
Article Source North Dakota Building Codes
Ohio Adopted 2018 IRC: Did NOT Adopt Appendix Q
Personally spoke to the state of Ohio- on July 25th, 2019 – They have adopted the 2018 IRC – But have NOT adopted Appendix Q at this time. I spoke with Jay Richards and he explained that Ohio does not typically adopt an Appendix, they prefer to wait until it is written into the body of the model code. Their focus is on safety, sanitation, and energy conservation. The state has no minimum square footage requirement for the size of a home. It is possible to request a variance and local jurisdictions might have different size requirements for homes. They do not regulate tiny homes on a chassis.
Residential Ohio Rules Effective July 1st, 2019
Article Source ICC Ohio
Yellow Springs
Tiny Home. A structure built on a permanent chassis with or without wheels must receive a certificate of occupancy from Greene County Building Regulations in order to be used as a dwelling unit or accessory dwelling unit on a single-family zoned lot. Greene County Building Regulations will only issue a certificate of occupancy with proof of the following:
(1) Built as a manufactured home, proof of certification with a HUD seal is required.
(2) Built as an industrialized unit, proof of the industrialized home compliance certificate is required.
(3) Built-in another state, proof of their former certificate of occupancy is required.
(4) Built/constructed in another manner, proof of certification by a registered Ohio design professional.
(Ord. 2013-19. Passed 9-16-13; Ord. 2016-03. Passed 4-18-16; Ord. 2017-23. Passed 9-18-17; Ord. 2018-18. Passed 5-21-18; Ord. 2018-41. Passed 11-5-18.)
Article Source Yellow Springs Ordinances
Small House Specialty Code Effective October 1st, 2019
South Carolina
Greenville, South Carolina: Tiny Houses 400 Square Foot or Less Residential Permitting Guidelines
The Code of reference for a site built small house is the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) and as a case by case alternate method the 2018 IRC Appendix Q Tiny Houses as allowed by. (2015 IRC Alternate Method per section 104.11.)
Article Source Greenville County
South Dakota
Sioux Falls: Effective June 1st, 2019
- The International Residential Code, 2018 edition, including Appendix E, Appendix G, Appendix H, and Appendix Q as published by the International Code Council Inc. as amended, is hereby adopted as the residential building code by the city for regulating the design, construction, quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, movement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, removal, and demolition of detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory structures, and provides for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor.
- (b) The adoption of the International Residential Code, 2018 edition, will become effective June 1, 2019.
Article Source Sioux Falls Planning
Knoxville Adopted 2018 IRC And Appendix Q Effective January 1st, 2019
Article Source Knoxville.Gov
Lake Dallas Tiny Village: Approved As A Planned Development Referencing 2018 IRC Appendix V- Adapted By Approval Of Lake Dallas For Tiny Homes On Wheels
Lake Dallas Tiny Village
Lake Dallas Tiny Village Ordinances
Lake Dallas Ordinance 2019052 LD Ordinance Tiny Home PD Ordinance-107709
Lake Dallas Ordinance 2017-14 Amending Zoning Ordinance Gotcher
Note: Appendix Q was previously called Appendix V
San Antonio: Adopted 2018 IRC and Appendix Q Effective June 21st, 2018
Confirmed by
Leslie A. Zavala
Sr. Plans Examiner
San Antonio ICC Code Updates
Development Services Department
Article Source San Antonio Express-News
Article Source San Antonio Gov
Smithville, Texas
Smithville, Texas is considering adopting Appendix Q. They are having a Tiny Home Forum on October 28th, 2019. Dan Fitzpatrick, our Director Of Government Relations will be speaking.
Smithville, Texas
Utah State Codes, developed by the Utah Uniform Building Code Commission Utah State Fire Prevention Board, are recommended to and approved by the State Legislature.
Uniform Building Code Commission Amendments 2021 General Sessions: Adopts Appendix Q Effective July 1st, 2021
Utah UpCodes
Springville Effective July 1st, 2019
Utah Gov
Article Source
Salt Lake City: Adopted Appendix Q Effective July 1st, 2019
Building Code Review & Adoption Amendments was signed into law by Governor Gary Herbert; this will go into effect July 1, 2019. Plans not previously accepted and fees paid for plan review to Salt Lake City Building Services, will be required to be designed & reviewed under the new codes.
Appendix Q of the 2018 edition of the International Residential Code, issued by the International Code Council;
Article Source SLC Gov
Virginia : In progress including the 2021 edits thanks to the hard work of Thom Stanton and Dan Fitzpatrick!
All 2018 code cycle information is available on cdpVA
Sept 13th, 2019

Washington State
Latest News: Washington state adopts Appendix Q Effective date Feb. 2021
Written Comments Regarding Appendix Q excepted until Sept 27th, 2019. Send to
Meeting Notes From July 31st, 2019
Will Appendix Q Be Adopted In Wa? State Meeting July 31st, 2019: Open To The Public
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5383: Effective July 28th, 2019
Section One: Appendix Q Can Provide A Basis For The Standards
The legislature recognizes that the International Code Council in 2018 has issued tiny house building code standards in Appendix Q of the International Residential Code, which can provide a basis for the standards requested within this act.
Section Six
The building code council shall: Adopt Building Code Standards Specific For Tiny Houses
(1)(a) By July 1, 2019, adopt a revised process for the review of proposed statewide amendments to the codes enumerated in RCW919.27.031;
(b) Adopt a process for the review of proposed or enacted local amendments to the codes enumerated in RCW 19.27.031 as amended and adopted by the state building code council.
(2) By December 31, 2019, adopt building code standards specific for tiny houses.
Article Source LegalWa.Gov
Final Bill Report ESSB 5383
The Council must adopt building code standards specific for tiny houses by December 31, 2019. Appendix Q of the International Residential Code is recognized by the Legislature as a potential basis for the adoption of new building code standards for tiny houses.
Article Source
This analysis was prepared by non-partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberations. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent.
The only state not applicable to IRC building codes. Effective May 1st, 2018 WI adopted and enforce the 2015 editions of the IBC, IECC, IMC, IFGC, and IEBC.
Article Source ICC
Tiny Home Discussion: Marshfield, Wisconsin August 30th, 2019
Wyoming is using the 2018 IRC. This is one of the least restrictive states regarding building codes. Waiting for their response regarding Appendix Q.